The MMF is the most flexible filter found in any monophonic synthesizer. The whole circuit solution of
the filter is an analogue "state of the art" and results in remarkable qualities such as:
*Wide frequency range, from 5Hz to 25kHz
*Vital parameters, such as cutoff, q-peak and level are voltage controlled
*Selectable 2-, 4- and 6 poles
*Low-, high and band pass modes
*Very clean sound even in self oscillating mode
*Ideal as effect filter with external signals
*Clean, yet warm and smooth sound
* Low noise
The Multi Mode Filter, with a wide range of controllable parameters, is especially useful as a tool to create
various high quality sounds and recreate "sounds" from many classic synthesizers, as well.
Those qualities make the Multi Mode Filter a perfect complement to the Low Pass Filter.
Configuration in series or parallel the LPF and MMF filters make it easy to create various vocal like sounds
or filter with an extreme steep slope (up to 72 dB/octave in low pass mode).
CUTOFF controls the cutoff- (or corner-) frequency of the filter from 16Hz to 16kHz.
POLE selects between 2, 4 and 6 pole configuration for 12-, 24-, and 36dB/octave slope
Q-PEAK determines the boost of the corner frequency. From "9" on, the filter starts self-oscillating.
To create useful and interesting sounds, the cutoff parameter has to be controlled dynamically.
This is mostly done by the later described envelope generators and/or by modulating the cutoff with
a periodical signal e.g. an LFO- or an audio signal. This is done with the cutoff modulation section (CM).
CM 1 adjusts the corner frequency modulation intensity by ENVELOPE GENERATOR 1.
ENVELOPE GENERATOR 1 switch inverts the control voltage of envelope generator 1.
CM 2 adjusts the corner frequency modulation intensity by ENVELOPE GENERATOR 2.
ENVELOPE GENERATOR 2 switch inverts the control voltage of envelope generator 2
OSC1/LFO adjusts the corner frequency modulation intensity by the triangle waveform of OSC1 respective
to the LFO. Maximum sweep reaching over +/-5 octaves.
OSC1 LFO switch selects the triangle waveform of OSC1 or the LFO as modulation source.
In the patch-section of the MMF you'll find the HI Z INPUT which is an additional and patchable input.
It is internally prepatched to the WHITE NOISE. This level is adjustable in the MMF MIXER section.
OUTPUT socket allows the filtered audio signal be coupled to any input. It's destinated to
the audio input of the AMP-section (FILTER MIX).