DFA-2 (Dual Filter Amplifier) release is scheduled.
The second SM-1 production is scheduled.
With great sadness, we announce the loss of our inventor Wlodzimierz Cwejman (Wowa).
SM-1 (Synthesizer Module -1) release.
Cooperation with Zaehl. Available soon: Optional CV-Channel-Module with CWEJMAN circuitry for Hi-End mixing console Zaehl AM1.
The stereo multi mode filter MMF-2 is now in production. Two additional modules; the four phase generator PH-8 and the dynamic processor DP-2 will be introduced after launching the MMF-2.
The D-LFO has now two LEDs for indication of rate (speed)
Three new modules are released; a multi mode filter MMF-6. a random generator CTG-VC and a bass/ drum module BLD. The RG-6 will be released in one-two weeks.
Three new modules will be released very soon; a multi mode filter MMF-6. a random generator RG-6 and a bass/ drum module BLD. The new front panel colour is pearl-white...not yellow!
A new transient (envelope) generator CTG-VC and a audio
frequency crossover CRV-24 are available soon.
2008-07 The stereo voltage controlled compressor VC-FCS is available.
A new firmware version for the S1 MIDI/CV is available. The new version is 5.00. Fixed issues: Very fast playing could cause notes to hang or be missed. Controller values could also be missed. The problem occured together with equipment capable of sending MIDI data with more or less no latency between transmitted bytes, and/or in combination with running status.
New modules, available Autum 2009
The CRV-24 is a four band crossover with 24 dB/octave for all slopes. Crossover frequencies can be controlled manually and by attenuable CV signals. The incomming signal INPUT is splitted in four bands; LP (24 dB/oct low pass filter, MID1 (high pass and low pass), MID2 (high pass and low pass) and HP (high pass filter).
The QVC-4 is an advanced joystick controller for controlling of build-in four quality voltage controlled amplifiers and more...
The VC0-6 is now produced and in stock (Analogue Haven/USA and Schneidersbuero/EU)
The MX-4S, market "REV.A" on the rear, are modified in the sense that all manual controllers are not disabled by external CV controllers.
New module, available in the beginning of 2008
The VC0-6 is a single voltage controlled oscillator and has six individual waveforms. The frequency is controlled with manual controllers (knobs) and FM (leveled inputs). The VCO-6 can by sync-ed by an external signals frequency, as well. Frequency controllers. The oscillator's frequency is controlled by RANGE (from C2 to C8), TUNE knob (± 6 semitones in AUDIO mode and (± 12 semitones in LFO mode) and leveled FM inputs; DC/AC coupled FM1 and exponential F2 and FM3). Frequency modulation determinates the intensity of frequency modulation and/or pitch control. The FM2 and FM3 inputs are carefully calibrated for 1Volt/octave sensitivity and it tracks the musical scale more than 8 octaves in audio band.
Module updates
The ADSR-VC2 and the RES-4, market "REV.A" on the rear, are modified in the sense that all manual controllers (Frequency,
Q-peak and others) are not disabled by external CV controllers.
New module, available in the beginning of 2008.
The M-ATT4 is a four channel attenuator and it's dedicated for
controlling of the MX-4S, the VCEQ-4 and the RES-4.
The M-ATT4 has some useful functions, such as:
* Individual gain and offset controls for each channel.
* Spread and master offset voltage control for all four channels.
The M-ATT4 will be available in 1.5-2 months time.
New module, available in April/May 2008.
The VC-FCS is a true stereo version of the VC-FC.
The VC-FCS will be introduced in 1-1.5 month time.